



Welcome to Biblical Talks Podcast Website, we are here to proclaim, the Word of God. We are not here to replace the function of the local churches. We are here to strive to support, local churches by teaching, discussing and proclaiming the Word of God so that Christians and local churches can focus on and fulfill what God expects of the church.

Biblical talks podcast recognizes that the Bible is the very Word of the Living God to man and understanding the priority of knowing and obeying its truths, Biblical talks is committed to teaching Scripture with diligence and authority.

Biblical talks are devoted to imparting biblical truth to the people of God so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; to the end that you, being rooted and grounded in Christ love.

If you need to get in touch with us, feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns, at elder_michael_tolliver@biblicaltalks.com 

Encouraging Words for the Week with Rachel Tolliver 

Encouraging Words for the Week

The faith that I am able to exercise is indeed God’s gift. He alone supports it, and He alone can increase it. Moment by moment, I depend on Him. If I were left to myself, my faith would utterly fail – George Mueller

Faith involves certain objects presented to our minds, a capacity to perceive them, and a willingness to attend to and act on them. In the case of gospel faith, God provides both the objects and the ability to perceive them. Therefore, faith is God's gift, not just like any ordinary exercise of our faculties, but in a unique and special way.

God reveals to us the objects of faith; without His revelation, we wouldn't know anything about Him. We have no certain knowledge of His character unless He chooses to reveal it. We would know nothing about Jesus Christ, the central figure of faith, His works, sufferings, redemption through Him, the covenant of grace, His current authority, or His grand purposes. All this comes from God's revelation in His Word. We couldn't learn about the future or unseen world unless God unveiled it for us.

Contact Information 

Biblical Talks

PO Box 9668
Chattanooga, Tennessee 37412
Phone (423)493-9953

Book Offer for the Month of January for a Donate



Biblical talks book offered for January is Weakness Is the Way: Life with Christ Our Strength.  By J.I. Packer. As we start a new Year, let’s not depend on our strength but on the Lord’s strength. Most people think of weakness as purely negative, but true Christianity embraces weakness as a way of life. In this collection of meditations on 2 Corinthians, renowned Bible scholar and theologian J. I. Packer reflects on the central importance of weakness for the Christian life. He exhorts listeners to look to Christ for strength, affirmation, and contentment in the midst of their own sin and frailty.

When he was in his mid-eighties, Packer mediates on the truths of Scripture with pastoral warmth and exegetical care, drawing on lessons learned from the experience of growing older and coming face-to-face with his own mortality. Overflowing with wisdom gleaned from a life of obedience to Christ and dependence on his Word.

For any amount of Donation to Biblical Talks, we will send you the book, please go to biblicaltalks.com and click the donate here tab, thank you for listening to biblical talks.





For any amount of Donation to Biblical Talks, we will send you this book.

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